September Meeting

Our monthly meeting will be on Wednesday, Sept. 14th, 7 p.m. at the barn. There will be nominations open on two (2) director positions. David Bonne and Bill Pfeffer.  Remember that you need to be present to either accept or decline a nomination. Hope to see you...


LI ANTIQUE POWER ASSOCIATION SEPTEMBER 2022 Can you believe summer is almost over and we are now into our fall show season? Don’t know about you, but I’m ready for some cooler weather. I’d like to thank everyone who came out to work and play at our...

Movie Night

This Friday, August 12th at 8 pm, we are having movie night. The featured movie will be The Goonies. So grab a blanket or chair, some snacks, and head on down to the LI Antique Power Association property at 5951 Sound Ave to enjoy a movie. Louise will be there with...

Junior Pulling League

Come on down to the LI Antique Power Association this Sunday, July 31st from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for our inaugural Jr. Garden Tractor Pulling League. All boys and girls from ages 5 to 16 are welcome. It is designed to teach the kids about their tractors and how to set...