On Saturday and Sunday, July 13th & 14th, the LIAPA is having its 32nd annual summer show. As the Junior Pullers have gotten to have quite a following, we thought what a way to spot-light our kids and feature garden tractors. If you haven’t seen them pulling, come on out and just look at the smiles on their faces. You can see that they are having a great time. So if you have a garden tractor, any make or model, bring it on out to make our show.
As in the past, we will have our pot luck bbq. We ask that you bring a side dish to pass. We need pasta salad, macaroni salad, veggies, fruit salad, really anything to make our diner complete. If you need any suggestions, give me a call. This year it’s $15 per person, 10 and under free. Call me and let me know what you can bring and how many are coming. You can pay me the night of our meeting, which is Wednesday, the 10th at 7 pm at the barn. Or see me at the food shack on Saturday.
If you are off on Friday, there will be lots going on at the property getting ready for the show, so come on down to help set up.
After dinner we will have our auction by Jeff Klaverweiden. If you have any treasures that you’d like to part with, bring them on down. All proceeds from this auction go to the club.
For our publics’ safety, we are asking that no motorized vehicles (mini bikes, golf carts, even tractors) be ridden on the grass or driveways. The parade of power will be the only time that your tractors can be driven thru the grounds. You will also be asked to show an insurance card for your mini bikes or golf carts.
As always, help is needed to run the show. Parking, admission, merchandise, food, sawmill, big engine barn, blacksmith shop, pulling track. If you need a job, just ask. I’m sure no one will turn down the help. It takes many hands to make it look like our shows run so effortlessly.
Remember this is the last time to pay your dues if you wish to vote at the November elections.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 631-404-2708.